
Tunjukkan catatan dari Oktober, 2017

Return Express Bus from Muar to Kuala Lumpur | Cara Naik Bas ke Muar | How to get to Muar Johor

If you want to go back to Kuala Lumpur (KL) from Muar with bus, you can head over to Muar Express Bus Station. There are a few bus operators going to KL with buses every other hour. Two most used buses are Mayang Sari and Maharani. You can also book online ticket bus to Muar and from Muar via  . Limited time RM5 cashback for first purchase busonline Counter 4 Maharani Bus Mayang Sari Bus has a few counters Whenever you arrive at the bus station, a few man will approach you to sell you bus ticket. Don’t worry they won’t cheat you. They are getting paid by the bus operator and you will get real ticket. In front of ticket counter If they ask, you can just tell them where you want to go. They will ask you to pay and give your ticket. Sometimes, they will bring you to the counter to get the ticket. Prepare small change as it will makes thing easier for them too. Ticket bus RM 17.60. Behind ticket counter is taxi center and a small food co...